delivery and returns

Sale Spot only delivers within Australia. We look forward to delivering to New Zealand in the near future.

Delivery To Your Address
When you register with Sale Spot you provide your delivery address. You can change this any time by logging on to the �Your Account� section of the site. When you buy an item we will deliver it to your registered delivery address, unless at the checkout process you specify a different delivery address than the address you have registered.

How Long Will Delivery Take?

Delivery times are between 3-10 working days depending on where the goods are being shipped to. Please be patient, should the item not be received after 10 working days, please contact and we will follow it up for you.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have purchased all your items from one store then they will arrive all together and at the same time. However, if you have purchased from multiple stores on the site each stores products will be dispatched separately from different locations through out Australia and may be delivered at varying time intervals.

Buying multiple items from the same store
If you buy multiple items from the same store it works in your favour. The first item is the only item that will attract a flat fee on the first 250 grams. Any following items will be charged by actual weight or cubic weight alone. Our system is based on the same system and calculations Australia Post use.

Delivery costs

The delivery costs for all items are clearly displayed in the shopping cart. The delivery fee is based on the packages weight or actual cubic weight (which ever is greater) and the location the packaged is being delivered to. The delivery cost charge entitles you to one delivery only.

There are a variety of delivery options offered at Sale Spot. Our vendors may offer you standard delivery, discounted, free delivery, pick up only or a $10 cap fee. Each vendor has the choice of these delivery options. Each item listed has a delivery logo � which immediately tells you how the item is to be shipped.

* Standard Delivery
An item will be posted using standard Australia Post rates.
The first item added to your shopping cart from this store will attract a flat fee
on the first 250grams. Any following items added from this store will not
incur the flat fee and will be calculated on cubic weight or weight alone (whichever is greater).

* Free Delivery
An item will be shipped to you at no charge, anywhere in Australia.

* 20% off Delivery
An item will be posted using standard Australia Post rates, but discounted by 20%.
The first item added to your shopping cart from this store will attract a flat fee
on the first 250grams. Any following items added from this store will not
incur the flat fee and will be calculated on cubic weight or weight alone (whichever is greater).

* 50% off Delivery
An item will be posted using standard Australia Post rates, but discounted by 50%.
The first item added to your shopping cart from this store will attract a flat fee
on the first 250grams. Any following items added from this store will not
incur the flat fee and will be calculated on cubic weight or weight alone (whichever is greater).

* $10 Cap
Buy unlimited items from the one store in the one purchase, and pay no more than $10 delivery anywhere in Australia.

An item will be posted using standard Australia Post rates, up to $10.00.
The first item added to your shopping cart from this store will attract a flat fee
on the first 250grams. Any following items added from this store will not
incur the flat fee and will be calculated on cubic weight or weight alone (whichever is greater).

* Pick up Only
An item can be picked up from the store. Details of store name, address and pick up times will be provided when you click open the delivery logo of that item.

Sale Spot encourages all vendors to have a prompt delivery service, and to dispatch orders within 48hrs of receipt. However, there may be times, despite their best efforts, parcels are delayed in the delivery process. We will always endeavor to work with our vendors and their delivery partners to ensure prompt arrival of your products.
It is your obligation to enter the correct delivery address details at the time of ordering. Should you enter the wrong address, our vendors are not obliged to re-send the order to the correct address at their expense. The cost of re-posting will be your responsibility.

It is the responsibility of the customer to inform if an order does not arrive. Once we learn an order has not arrived by the 10th day, we will lodge an enquiry to ensure delivery occurs as soon as possible. Sale Spot will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from delivery.

Please note that if an item has been lost in transit, a vendor will not dispatch a replacement item immediately. Replacement items will be dispatched according to the vendors discretion, and only after investigating the loss.

Please email to
To read the complete User Agreement go to the user agreement page.

Details of each vendor you have purchased from are found on the bottom of your Sale Spot tax invoice that was automatically emailed to your email address.

If you have a damaged or faulty item you must contact the vendor within 3-5 days of receiving the goods and request the vendor�s permission to return the goods. Except where required by law, you must return damaged goods within 14 days of receipt.

The only circumstances in which you may return the goods are:
1) If the goods were damaged in transit.
2) If the description of the goods on the website is materially incorrect (please note that the photographs of products on this site are indicative only. Each computer screen is calibrated separately which means the colours differ from screen to screen. Vendors will not accept returns if the colour is slightly different from the picture).
3) The goods have a manufacturing fault.
If you need to return an item, you must e-mail or phone the vendor who you purchased the item from with full details of your purchase and the reason the item needs to be returned. The vendor will respond to your request and either:
(a) Agree to accept the return, in which case they will contact you to arrange for returning of the goods, or
(b) Refuse to accept the return, if in our reasonable opinion the circumstance is not one of the three valid reasons for return.

You cannot return goods just because you change your mind and decide you do not want the item. If the vendor agrees to accept the return, they will inspect the goods and if they are faulty; either repair, replace or refund the item (at their discretion). If the goods are found not to be faulty, they will return the goods to you and you will be charged an additional freight cost.

Full details of our policy on returns are set out in the User Agreement on the Terms of Use page.